A Simple Way to Protect the Roof Over Your Head

A Simple Way to Protect the Roof Over Your Head

Whether you are a property owner or manager, home or business…

It all boils down to the same thing, maintaining the roof over your head protects the financial investment which lies beneath it. We are proud to announce the grand opening of our sister business, CRS Service, LLC. A business created solely for the service, cleaning and/or maintenance backed by over 25 years of professional installation experience.

We Offer Multiple Programs to Suit Most Needs

There are three levels of service available, all of which include: • Broom clean roof surfaces. • Clean Gutters, roof drains, overflow drains, etc. • Probe all hot air welded seams on single ply roof assemblies to ensure proper condition. • Inspect any caulking, cut edge sealant, surface mounted flashing, etc. • Provide brief Condition assessment report upon completion. • Provide recommended repairs, if any.

Each service program is designed for the specifications of your roof. Pricing is based on square footage and slope to ensure you don’t pay for more than your roof actually needs.

(Below is a graphic I created in a separate software, have to use the software to change it, so just type the change you would like below it and I will fix it.)

Our Team is Ready to Service Your Roof!

If you give us a call at 253-848-2194 or email directly at JeffRankin@crsroofing.com, we can send you a detailed offering based on your roof. Contact us, we can help!

A Note from our Leader:

Contractor’s Roof Service, Inc. has been a vital part of the community of Gig Harbor for over 25 years. We are honored to announce the opening of CRS Service, LLC, making it easier than ever for you to protect your roof with service and maintenance programs for every type of roof and every budget. Please contact me directly if I can answer any questions, or be of assistance.

Thank you.
Jeff Rankin,

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    Over 30 years of Safety, Integrity and Quality. Call us today!

    Contractor's Roof Service, Inc.
    4600 Neel Ct, Ste B
    Gig Harbor, WA 98335

    Tel: 253-858-3044
